Pinwheels Developmental and Therapeutic Services, Inc. was founded in 2005 by Kate Walsh Singles and Megan Reilly Keeler to provide home-based Early Intervention services to infants and toddlers in Chester, Montgomery, Delaware counties in Pennsylvania. Kate left Pinwheels DTS in 2017 to pursue other professional goals. With the support of an excellent team, Pinwheels DTS expanded to provide services in Schuylkill county in 2023 and Berks county in 2024.

Pinwheels DTS offers special instruction, social work, speech therapy, occupational therapy, and physical therapy. We strive to offer all services in Spanish and are passionate about recruiting and supporting the interventionists that work with us. Many of our interventionists have participated in Pennsylvania’s Family Guided Routines Based Intervention (FGRBI) initiatives and are endorsed as parent coaches.

Pinwheels DTS continuously strives to improve our level of service while maintaining our mission to serve children and families with integrity and respect. In 2008 we became involved in the Infant Mental Health movement in Pennsylvania which has influenced every aspect of our work since. We are proud to have interventionists trained in Infant Mental Health as part of our team.

Our mission

Pinwheels Developmental and Therapeutic Services is committed to serving children and their families by providing highest quality educational, therapeutic and support services. We believe that children flourish when families are supported. Our agency is dedicated to fostering the values of teamwork and cooperation among all professionals who support children. We believe that when a child is supported in the context of her family, she will develop skills that allow maximum personal growth potential.